Our new packaging for welding torches is ready!

calendar date 27.06.2019

The packaging forms one of the new marketing/branding elements, which shall carry the brand message of Mechafin AG. This demanded the development as well as the design department because todays consumers pay attention to the packaging when choosing their products.

With our packaging, we strive for the highest possible proportion of recycled and recyclable material. This goal opens up a wide range of possibilities: from FSC-certified cartons to packaging made from plants such as cellulose. Nevertheless, the packaging should be stable, practical and appealing. We opted for a stackable case variant in plain black. One for all... But see and decide for yourself.

Mechafin torch boxes at the company Stuch Schweiß- und Industrietechnik

Mechafin torch boxes at the company Stuch Schweiß- und Industrietechnik
